
AID’s work is made possible by the generous donations of many individuals like you. Even a small contribution by you goes a long way in bringing hope to millions of underprivileged people in India. All donations to AID are 100% tax-deductible in the U.S.A. Association for India’s Development Inc (AID Inc) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation and our federal tax-ID is 04-3652609.

Please visit the page to donate.

NOTE: Please select CA-LosAngeles Chapter in the Designation drop-down menu.

More ways to donate:

Personal Check

Make the check payable to “Association for India’s Development” and mail it to us.

Stocks Donation

Now your stocks can go all the way to help poor people in India. Yes, you can donate your stocks to AID. Please e-mail to stocks[AT] for more information

Matching Grants

Several companies match donations by their employees to charitable organizations. You can find out if your company has such a program and register AID with them. AID is registered with the IRS as a 501(C)(3) tax-exempt organization and our federal Tax-ID number is 04-3652609. If you need more information to register AID with your company or after you finish registering, please let us know.

Grants from Companies

Your company may be making grants to projects or organizations. In some cases we might have to write proposals for particular project with the details of the budget to qualify for the grant. If you can investigate into this and get in touch with us, we can work with you on writing the proposal.

Grants from Linguistic and Cultural Associations

Several cultural and linguistic associations have made donations to AID. You can request your association to do the same – if necessary, the donation can also be directed to projects in a particular state or region. In addition, some cultural groups also donate part of their proceeds from programs and events that they organize.

Association for India’s Development Inc (AID Inc) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation and our federal tax-ID is 04-3652609. To obtain copy of the current financial statement, please write to AID, 5011 Tecumseh Street, College Park, MD 20740. Documents and information pertaining to AID can be obtained from secretary of State for the cost of copies and postage.